- You will fall in for roll call in proper order .
- 你们要有秩序地集合点名。
- A record number of deals were cancelled in 2008 leading to a sharp fall in fees for investment bankers .
- 2008年被取消的交易数量创出历史记录,导致投资银行手续费收入急剧下降。
- They also follow warnings from zte to investors that its first-half profit is likely to fall by 60 % from a year earlier citing foreign-exchange losses and delays in tenders for contracts from chinese carriers .
- 报道出炉前,中兴还曾向投资者发出预警说,该公司上半年利润可能较上年同期下滑60%,原因是外汇损失及中国电信运营商合同招标的推迟。
- The drop in growth was attributed to an expected fall in demand for korean exports particularly electronics .
- 增长放缓的主因是,海外市场对韩国商品(尤其是电子产品)的需求如预期般下降。
- There was a fall in support for the republican party at the last election .
- 上一次大选中,支持共和党的人数减少了。
- It made for a stimulating cultural life she says . It was thrilling - perhaps a bit like an american going to new york for the first time and getting a glimpse of the bigger world . Either you 're scared to death or you fall in love fo
- 她说,“那是一种很有刺激的文化生活。那是令人颤栗的,有点像一个美国人首次到纽约,猛然看到了一个更大的世界。或者你会吓死,或者你会爱上生活。”
- The sell-off in railway shares contributed to a 3 per cent decline in the shanghai composite the biggest one-day fall in six months for china 's benchmark stock index .
- 铁路板块股票遭到抛售,促使上证综指下跌3%,这是中国基准股指六个月来最大的单日跌幅。
- The bank described the cut as meaningful but not disastrous indicating that a fall in western demand for asian manufactured goods was unlikely to have big consequences for markets .
- 该行称此次下调预期“意味深长,但并非是灾难性的”,这表明西方国家对亚洲制造业产品需求下降,不太可能对市场产生重大影响。
- When understanding the true sense that fall in love with for the first time two people certainly this love has a result necessarily .
- 第一次清楚真的爱上的感到的时候,两个人笃定这份爱情必定有结果。